Remember Michelle Waggoner and her family. Her dad passed away on Saturday.
Steve Porter’s mom passed away. Please pray for him as he travels to the US from Nigeria and for Ruth and Julie as they remain behind.
Community Bible Church
November 4, 2015
“And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,
not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another,
and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-2
PASTOR: Steve Nutter Elmcroft Assisted Living
ASSOC. PASTOR: Nigel Kelly Women’s Ministry/Men’s Ministry
WORSHIP LEADER: Shane Greer Junior Church
CO-YOUTH LEADER: Sarah Nutter AWANA/Good News Club
ELDER: Paul Thomas Youth
DEACON: Nam Nguyen Small Groups
TEACHER: Cindy LaTour Connect Ministry
TEACHER: Misty Greer Women’s Brunch 11/14
Angela Ledbetter: I have been experiencing distressing urinary tract symptoms that seem to not be related to an infection. Results of CAT scan and cystoscopy will be in this week.
Alicia Woelper: Please pray for Matthew’s seizures and my cerebral palsy. For a special friend (bill) who has stage 4 brain cancer and only has about three months to live.
Please pray for Christina Lincoln’s sister, Rebecca, near Portland, OR. She is in chemo for pancreatic cancer.
Barb Webster is living at Avante, 225 N. Sowers Rd., Irving. Room 110. Correction: 972-253-4173 ext. 1101.
*THE BERKEYS (WorldVenture – Venezuela) David, Jerrine, Adriana, Laura & Caroline
Date. 10/30. Next Tuesday, Nov. 3, David will be having a second ablation procedure on his heart. It will be performed in Phoenix. This will hopefully relieve his PVCs (heart palpitations. Please pray again that they would be completely eliminated!
*THE CAMLINS (EFCA – Portugal) Gary & Terri
Date. 11/03. Here are some prayer requests for the month of November:
- Most importantly we ask you to pray for progress in our spiritual lives. You can use Matthew 11:28-30 as you pray for us. Pray that we may also experience the rest for our souls that he offers as we serve Him.
- Thanks for continuing to pray for our ministry to students, both in the classroom and outside of the classroom. Pray that the Lord would use us to encourage and motivate our students in their personal growth with the Lord.
- Terri continues to enjoy her work with children as she teaches English in the Christian elementary school that meets on our campus. Pray that the children would grow in their relationship with the Lord.
- I would also appreciate prayer as I preach in our local church this coming Sunday, November 8. I will be talking about the importance of nurturing a thankful spirit in the midst of trials. My text is James 1:1-12.
- Our ReachGlobal team in Portugal will be having planning meetings on November 13-15. Pray that God would give us wisdom as we evaluate our ministries and plan for the future.
- Even though we haven’t been able to see our grandson Noah in person, we are enjoying keeping up with his and Kaylynn’s progress through email and Facebook. Thanks for remembering Debbie and Brian and their two little ones as you pray. Currently Debbie is on maternity leave and Brian is helping as a teaching assistant at Moody Aviation School.
Giving: If the Lord leads you to give, donations can be made to our personal ministry account by sending them to: EFCA ReachGlobal, 901 E 78th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55420 (Please specify account #1014). To make an online donation, follow this link: Camlin support (or use the following web address
THE CARPENTERS (SIM – Zambia) Robert &Virginia
THE CHANDLERS (Partners Int’l – Singapore/India) Tom & Clare
THE ENGELS (WorldVenture – Venezuela) Rocky, Sylvia, Michaela & Mathew
Date. 10/21. It has been three weeks since we arrived in Maturin to help a new church get started. What an exciting time as we moved into another house and neighborhood with the hopes and dreams of a new vision for a new work. There were a couple priorities when we arrived. First was to connect with key players to let them talk and see where they are headed. This is part of seeing what God is really doing. What fun seeing the ambitions and willingness of the two key families. Second goal was to get ready for the reality of living here, which involves fixing toilets and finding out where to shop. Soon after we arrived at the “confirmation house” God provided for us, He reminded us that the road to obedient service is never straight, and that it usually means getting your hands dirty. Many issues needed TLC, but thankfully we have found what we needed and we are quite happy to be able to live in such a sweet place. The lack of basic repair parts as well as basic food items has made getting settled more of a challenge. As we wandered around the key areas of town looking for things, we have already gotten to know the city.
The one thing we did not include in our goals was getting a handle on the medical services of the city. By the end of the first week it was obvious that the cyst on my back, that was declared insignificant by our dermatologist in Caracas, had become infected. Without the details, the doctor who was recommended to us was a quack, and gave us quite the medical scare. But the grace of God was present and the whole situation gave one of the key players a chance to be a true servant and friend. Recently arrived, new and uninformed, it would have been a real challenge to also be alone, but Carlos Cabello came to our rescue providing sound advice (get another doctor!) and then contacting a trusted doctor to get us a second opinion. We left the first medical office a bit shaken but after seeing the second doctor right away, with Carlos by our side to get us in, we are much more confident that we can get good care. Spending time with Carlos in this context has built the base of a solid friendship, and we are looking forward to working with him.
Another curve in the road arrived this afternoon. The school we were hoping to use for our initial services in January wrote us a note and kindly told us we were invited to go out and find another place since their school was not available to us. We counted on that campus since it seemed so perfect, just like we counted on the first doctor. Pray with us that God will show us the right place.
THE FITTZES (CAM – Honduras) Mark & Michelle
*THE HEATERS (CrossWorld – France) Kevin, Lucy, Jeremy, Benjamin & Michelle
Date. 11/03. We would appreciate your partnership in prayer for two major items
- That God would allow us to touch hearts here with the Gospel, both through our church’s individual testimonies and through our collective efforts. We have an outreach planned November 21st, a Thanksgiving meal, several outreaches in December and are planning on others on a regular basis.
- That God would clearly direct one of our French families in leadership as they consider what role He would have for them with the Ozon Valley church.
THE LIVINGSTONS (Camino Global – USA) Douglas, Gloria, Victor & Mary
Date. 10/6. The past couple of weeks have been centered on Mom. She was in the hospital a couple of days, where her cancer diagnosis was confirmed. She had a carcinoid tumor removed from her small intestine (along with 18 inches of her intestine) about 10 years ago, and she has been saying for months that it was back but did not want all the tests done. She came home to hospice last Wednesday and has declined quickly. We were not sure she would make it to last Sunday when all 5 of her grandkids were able to be here. We had a great day together and sang, read a couple of Psalms and prayed together. She has not been able to talk since Saturday. We just keep lovin’ on her and making her as comfortable as possible. She doesn’t seem to have much pain. Oct 19th is her 93rd birthday. It will probably be her most glorious celebration yet!
Continue to lift us up as we wait on His timing and continue to meditate and learn what He has for us and the family as we wait.
THE MONTANOS (Kazakhstan) Jaime, Beth, Tabatha & Benjamin
Date. 10/23. I’m a day late on our CA Day, but I’d like to ask you to read the following and pray as the Spirit leads you. Then send this out on social media – Facebook, twitter, etc. to increase the number of prayers for these needs. Please do not mention our names in relation to this. Just share it as is with your networks by cutting and pasting.
Thanks so much, Beth
“Your ruin is as vast as the sea. Who can heal you?” —Lamentations 2:13
When an image of a drowned 3-year-old refugee boy flashed across the globe, it was as if the collective heartbeat of the world skipped a beat. The iconic photo represents many who have lost their lives in the sea crossing from Turkey to the Greek island of Kos. In recent years, thousands of Central Asians — including Syrian Kurds, Iraqi Kurds and Afghans — have escaped the terrors of their hometowns and set forth as refugees, clinging to life and a dwindling glimmer of hope. These stories reveal the depths of desperation of those on the refugee highway. Please join us in prayer for Central Asian refugees while asking God to show you how you can play a role in bringing the hope of Christ to the suffering.
Date. 10/27. Please lift up the following request concerning The Book for a people group in our area – the grp that F&Z belong to as well as thousands more who need the Word in their heart language.
We know the Author, so let’s ask him to bring a good resolution to this situation so that his name is honored and revered in this country, this region and among the U people. Also for wisdom for those working with the authorities on this and for peace for the people who have spent years working on this project, and now know their names and futures are in the hands of people who don’t necessarily like/approve of what they’ve done. Remember – there’s no freedom of the press like we know in USA.
THE PORTERS (SIM – Nigeria) Steve, Ruth, Julie & Angie
*THE REESERS (World Venture – Spain) Chad, Julie & Evan
Date. 10/28. As October comes to an end we have much to be thankful for in regard to this month of ministry. The ministry year has started well, and we are excited about how God is already at work. We had a consistent group at our first two small group meetings, and they are excited and invested in studying spiritual gifts. We are starting to dream about the impact that these individuals could have on our church if they understood their spiritual gifts and began to utilize them. Please pray that God would use this study to spark some extra excitement for Him in our church.
We have now met a lot of people in our apartment complex, and it would be great to begin to form deeper friendships here. Please pray for some friendships to naturally grow with our neighbors.
In regard to Eric, we have completed all of the steps on our end for his adoption and now we wait. The next item that we need is what is called an Article 5 letter and it comes from the US embassy in Lesotho. Up until this point, this letter is taking months to receive, and it is unclear as to why there is such a delay. A representative from our adoption agency is going to Lesotho in a couple of weeks and will be meeting with the embassy to address this issue. Would you please join us in praying for a productive meeting and for the result being that the families that are waiting for their letters can receive them? We have been moving quickly through the process up to this point and we are hopeful that we can receive the Article 5 letter sooner than later.
*THE WALKERS (Wycliffe – Asia/Arizona) Roland and Jean
Date. 11/02. The Intercultural Communication Course (ICC) ended well on Friday. After a month of intense learning, participants have filtered off in all directions. Jean flew back to Tucson last night. I’m still here and reflecting on what I have observed over the past weeks, conversations with some wise and godly people, and Scriptures I’ve been meditating on.
Everyone was to read through Ephesians at least 7x before the course, take notes, and do some further study in Ephesians during the course. Big topics were Who we are in Christ, How do we love each other well as members of Christ’s Body, Spiritual Warfare. I’ve sure learned a lot and have more questions than when I arrived. Questions are good. Very good, when they lead us to learning, and when the Holy Spirit is our teacher.
ICC is as much about spiritual vitality, attitudes, and interpersonal relationships as it is about language and culture acquisition. We’ve seen lights go on in many hearts and minds through class discussions, 1-on-1 conversations, personal time alone with God. Many have prayed, “Lord, change me.” We know He is willing and He has the power. We just have to cooperate.
Sounds so simple, “cooperate with God and your life will change”. But we know that lasting and ongoing change is a supernatural affair. A mystery The Intercultural Communication Course (ICC) ended well on Friday. After a month of intense learning, participants have filtered off in all directions.
Jean flew back to Tucson last night. I’m still here and reflecting on what I have observed over the past weeks, conversations with some wise and godly people, and Scriptures I’ve been meditating on.
THE WALLACES (Camino Global – Colombia/U.S.) Tim, Ashley, Keira & Alexandria
Date. 10/6. What needs prayer.
Please let us know how we can be praying for you!
- Praise: Ashley and the baby are doing well!
- Praise: We added more monthly partners last month!
- Pray for a healthy pregnancy for Ashley and the baby
- Pray for new opportunities to share our ministry with potential partners.
THE YOUNGS (Navigators – Argentina) Chris, Flor, Valentina & Matias